Play Tennis with Passion
(Edgar Giffening)
This book is for every player who feels stuck and frustrated by lack of improvement. It is the perfect guide to understanding and developing every aspect of the game.
After writing Developing High Performance Tennis Players – a system to develop competitive players – I wanted to utilize my fifty years experience as a competitor, high performance coach, coaches’ coach and instructor of players of all ages and levels to write a practical book with the most effective strategies for anyone to improve and enjoy the game.
The book breaks tennis down into ten performance-determining factors that directly establish a player’s performance level: consistency, precision, footwork, perception and anticipation, variation, spin, ball speed, camouflage, mental skill and decision making
Developing High Performance Tennis Players
(Edgar Giffening)
This book is an attempt to answer the questions that I have pondered most of my life: What does it take to be a great tennis player and what is the most effective way to train.
It is a summary of 40 years in competitive tennis as a high performance player and coach of elite athletes. Within its pages you will find a player development system that guides coaches, players and parents through the intricacies of high performance tennis training.
It provides an in-depth analysis and explanation of every important aspect of the game and presents a clear and complete roadmap for anyone interested in truly understanding what it takes to excel in this marvelous sport.
Mindset - Een mentale gids om optimaal te presteren
Commentaar: "Dit boek maakt je bewust, doet je begrijpen en reikt je praktische tools aan om jezelf van een verhaaldenker naar een actiedenker om te vormen. Dit boek gaat verder dan enkel mentale technieken voor tennis, actiedenken kan je gebruiken in alle prestatie gebonden facetten van het leven!"
Competitive Tennis for Young Players: The Road to Becoming a Top Player
by Manfred Grosser, Richard Schönborn
Comment: "This book delivers what it promise, a long-term performance development road map for talented young players!"
Open: An Autobiography
by Andre Agassi
Comment: "Great inside information and very easy read about a great champion and personality!"
Women's Tennis Tactics
by Rob Antoun
Comment: "Practical and specific knowledge about the womens top level game. Clear and useful practice drills for every game situation based on the analyses of the womens style of play."
Tennis Techniktraining
by Richard Schönborn
Comment: "In depth explanation of the new approach to train technique based on the analyses of the physical and physiological demands of the tennisgame. It starts with the biomechanics principles, then the stages of learning, training and mastery and it ends with a chapter about drills for each phase along the stages. This book also includes a chapter about nutrition for optimal energy which is a little bit out of place in my opinion, but with useful information."
Prime Tennis: Triumph of the Mental Game
by Jim Taylor Ph.D.
Comment: "The title says it all! "Prime Tennis is created to assist you in just this process, ensuring that mentally you are your best ally rather than your worst enemy.
It focuses on the essentials of the mental game and shows you how to make your mind work for you instead of against you."
These book is also packed with motivational quotes of the greatest players and coaches!"
TENNIS MASTERY: The Most Complete Guide to Learning, Developing and Mastering the Sport of Tennis
by David W. Smith
Comment: "David' approach to his 'Advanced Foundation' is detailed and based on extensive experience.
The "Advanced Foundation" teaches the player to develop strokes that are not only repeatable and reliable, but also effective within the essence of advanced progression."
(Der schnelle Weg zum erfolgreichen Tennis)
by Richard Schönborn
Richard Schönborn, langjähriger Cheftrainer des Deutschen Tennis Bundes (DTB), setzt mit dieser überarbeiteten und erweiterten Neuauflage von Optimales Tennistraining erneut Maßstäbe.
Er bringt dem Leser in einer klar strukturierten Weise die neuesten Erkenntnisse aus dem Bereich des Technikerwerbs- und Technikanwendungstrainings nahe. Dabei steht die Umsetzung der Theorie in die Spielpraxis im Vordergrund. Auf der Grundlage der Trainingsanalyse von Weltklassespielern erarbeitet er eine sinnvolle Trainingsplanung unter Berücksichtigung von Biomechanik, Leistungsphysiologie und Trainingswissenschaft sowie psychologischen Aspekten.
"Aus dem Inhalt:
- Theorie und Systematik des Trainings
- Schwerpunkte der optimalen Technik
- Technikerwerbs- und Technikanwendungstraining
- Mentale und kognitive Voraussetzungen
- Koordinative und konditionelle Voraussetzungen
- Analyse derzeitiger Weltklassespieler und Vorschau auf zukünftige Entwicklungen
- Trainingsplanung für Profispieler"
Er is een 2de editie uit met een extra hoofdstuk gewijd aan specifieke damestraining.
Ook een hoofdstuk die alle principes van de trainingsleer samenvat.
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